The methods that the rich are willing to
use to squeeze every last bit of profit for themselves out of workers seemingly
knows no limits. Not content with putting hundreds of thousands of people on
the dole through sackings, the rich, capitalist classes now cry that these same
people, who they put out of work, are lazy and undeserving of the paltry £53 a
week that they receive to live off whilst having to search for non-existent
jobs. The con-dem government has listened to the concerns of the rich and
implemented a scheme whereby people will be forced to work for free or have
their job seekers allowance stopped, in what certainly harps back to the
infamous workhouses of Victorian Britian.
The scheme known unofficially as workfare
is a way for big businesses such as Tesco, Asda, Mcdonalds, Burger King, Pizza
Hut, Primark, Boots, The Arcadia Group of stores which includes Topman and
Burton amongst a host of others to add to their already enormous profits by
effectively employing slave labour.
An unemployed person can now be told by the
Job Centre that they must work 30 hours a week for a company such as Tesco that
has offered them ‘work experience’. They will not be paid for this work, nor
even guaranteed a permanent job with the company once they have completed the
26 week placement. If they refuse to perform unpaid labour for the company
offering the placement then they will have their benefits stopped for 13 weeks
the first time they refuse to participate, for six months the second time and
for three years the third time, condemning them to possible homelessness and
Unemployed persons are thus forced to work
for free and to produce value for the company employing their labour. Companies
such as Asda which already make over £10 million profit in a single day
benefit, while the workers who create this wealth get nothing. The scheme has
already forced 24,000 people to work without pay whilst Tesco a company that
made £1.9billion in the last six months exploited 1,400 of those working. Some
of the workers employed in this way even have to do nightshifts and work in
freezers without proper protective clothing.
Aside from the moral outrage this scheme
provokes there is also the absurdity of it. Implemented by the champions of the
free market, the conservative party, the scheme is actually using public funds
to provide the job seekers allowance the person receives in lieu of any proper
payment from the company. So the government is subsidizing large corporations’
labour costs.
The capitalists clearly think that they can
get away with this robbery. If it were up to them they would have us all
working for free, and unless the working class forcefully resists the workfare
scheme then they will get their way, this can already be seen with permanent
Tesco staff being sent home early from work as the company has people working
for free.
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